
Forum Thema: Transfermarkt - Looking for a team

Looking for a team

[10.03.2024 16:07:39]

I am 37yo. Recently moved to Munich, played a lot in different levels of amateur leagues in Moscow

[19.03.2024 19:35:36]

Hi Denis, we, the Holzhacker are looking for new players. We have trainings 1x week and play in Feldmoching. Here is our instagram account if you want to check it out https://www.instagram.com/holzhacker2013/ and here is my phone number if you are interested: Marko - 01794167514

[20.03.2024 09:18:50]

Hi Denis, we are "Die Zugroasten" which is Bavarian for a group of people coming from elsewhere, so we are a very mixed and international group of players. We have weekly trainings on Wednesday in Freiham (Munich West) and are currently playing in League 4C.

Hit us up on Instagram if you like: https://instagram.com/spvggdiezugroasten

Kobe [21]